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Event History

13. 2024/11/22 & 12/06

Quantum Breakthroughs in Derivative Pricing and Optimization


Prof. Kwong Kwai TUNG Humphrey
Department of Economics and Finance, 
City University of Hong Kong

11/22 The Video Material

​11/22 The Lecture Material

Miss Xuan-Wei Wang
Department of Applied Mathematics,
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

12/06 The Video Material

12/06 The Lecture Material​


11. Application of Quantum Machine Learning in MRI Data, 2024/07/19

Dr. Tai-Yue Li

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan

The Lecture Material

webinar_2024_TY Li.jpg

9. Quantum Machine Learning and its Biomedical and Physical Applications Lecture Series [Quantum Walk  Processes in Quantum Devices], 2024/04/12

Mr.Anandu Kalleri Madhu 
National Tsinghua University, Taiwan

"Quantum Machine Learning and Its Biomedical and Physical Application" series
2024/3/15, 22, 29, 4/5, 12


7. Quantum Machine Learning and its Biomedical and Physical Applications Lecture Series [Quantum Machine Learning in Bioinformatics Research & Demo (QSVM,CUDA Quantum)], 2024/03/29

Dr. Venu R. Mekala, Dr. Ezra B. Wijaya, Dr. Kalok Ng, Miss Aninda Astuti, Mr. Alex Shen
Asia University, Taiwan

"Quantum Machine Learning and Its Biomedical and Physical Application" series 2024/3/15, 22, 29, 4/5, 12


5. Quantum Machine Learning and its Biomedical and Physical Applications Lecture Series [Overview of Quantum computing & Qiskit demo], 2024/03/15
Professor Ka-Lok Ng and PhD. Student Miss Aninda Astuti
Department of Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering, Asia University

The Lecture materials


3. Quantum linear solver: Unveiling the Power of Hybrid HHL Algorithm and Comparative Performance Analysis with Traditional HHL, 2023/12/07
Mr. Roopesh Mangal 
Ericsson Research, India

The speaker reservers the right to keep the presentation materials in private.

量子科學與計算 Quantum Science and Computing Free On-line Forum.png

1. Introduction to Quantum Computing: from Algorithm to Hardware, 2023/10/05
Dr. Hiu Yung Wong
Associate Professor and Silicon Valley AMDT Endowed Chair in Electrical Engineering, San Jose State University, USA

Author provides presentation materials:  Tutorial Hiu Yung Wong SJSU Quantum Computing Final.pdf


12. 2024/09/02 

Advancing Toward Quantum-HPC System with Classiq Platform

Mr Kuan-Cheng Chen, Imperial College  London, UK

The recording and lecture materials are not available.


10. Quantum Simulation Algorithms for Quantum Computers, 2024/04/23
Mr.Paul Chu (PhD Student)
Institute of Physics, National Taiwan University

The Lecture Material


8. Quantum Machine Learning and its Biomedical and Physical Applications Lecture Series [Autoencoder, Quantum Autoencoder, QGAN & Demo], 2024/04/05
Dr. M.Bagus Andra
Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security, Indonesia

"Quantum Machine Learning and Its Biomedical and Physical Application" series 2024/3/15, 22, 29, 4/5, 12


6. Quantum Machine Learning and its Biomedical and Physical Applications Lecture Series [Classical Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Demo (Scikit, Tensorflow & Keras)], 2024/03/22

Professor Hilman F. Pardede and Mr.Vicky Zilvan, Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security, Indonesia


The Lecture Material

"Quantum Machine Learning and Its Biomedical and Physical Application" series 2024/3/15, 22, 29, 4/5, 12


4. Finding Hadamard Matrices Using Quantum Computers (1), 2024/02/21

Prof. Andriyan Bayu Suksmono,  
The School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia  

The Lecture Material


2. Optical/Photonics Quantum Computers:
Basics, Advances and Trends, 2023/11/02
Dr. K. S. (John) Huang
Prior Research Staff Member of IBM, Principal Engineer of Rockwell,   Sr. Manager/Technical Leader of Cisco,  CEO/CTO of EdgeWave/Chicony Software, Energy Consultant of Tesla/SolarCity  

The Lecture Materials

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